Elite RIA

Apriem Advisors Named a Best Place to Work in SoCal

Best Companies Group is thrilled to announce the winners of the prestigious Best Places to Work SoCal 2023 list. The honorees, spanning a diverse range of industries, include a list of companies that have set benchmarks in fostering exceptional work environments. The selection process for these winners was comprehensive, relying

Apriem Advisors Named a Top RIA by FA Magazine 2023

Financial Advisor Magazine has published its annual ranking of fastest growing and top independent advisory firms in their July/August 2023 issue. "Fifty-three percent of those RIA firms surveyed in Financial Advisor’s most recent survey said that assets from new clients accounted for most of their 2022 inflows, with 36% citing assets

Apriem’s President Featured in the LA TimesOC

Apriem's President, Rhonda Ducote, was profiled in the LA Times' OC Visionaries Edition, highlighting her career in the financial industry and Apriem's various service offerings. Here is an excerpt from the profile: Prior to embarking on her career in the financial advice industry, her education in design led her to discover

2023-09-05T18:09:35+00:00October 25th, 2022|Apriem In The News, Blog, Press Releases, WOW In the News|

The Exponential Investor

I invested $10,000 into Amazon (AMZN) during the Dotcom bubble. I didn't, but if I had, it would be north of $4,000,000 as of last Friday's close. At the time, Amazon was down over 90% so the thought of doing that was nonexistent. That's why November 2008 during the Great

2023-09-05T18:03:19+00:00September 21st, 2022|Blog, Generations|

Apriem’s Efforts with Education and The Next Generation

Apriem is Passionate about Educating the Next Generation! Apriem is investing in the next generation of learners, workers, and world-changers. The firm is committed to contributing time and financial resources to this next generation. Pictured are our staff members and the Universities at which they serve as Advisory Board Members! Landon

2023-09-05T18:10:57+00:00April 6th, 2022|Apriem Cares, Apriem In The News, Blog, Press Releases|

Rhonda Ducote Wins Woman of Influence, Innovator Award

RHONDA DUCOTE WINS 2022 WOMAN OF INFLUENCE, INNOVATOR AWARD.  Our President, Rhonda Ducote, has been selected to receive the 2022 Women of Influence, Innovator award! The Women of Influence Forum is a premier event recognizing and empowering women to lead and succeed in their lives, businesses, and communities.  "The Innovator award

2023-09-05T18:10:57+00:00April 1st, 2022|Apriem Cares, Apriem In The News, Blog, Press Releases|
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