Wealth Planning

Importance of Being Prepared

"The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today" - H. Jackson Brown Jr. It’s difficult to imagine life without our loved ones. However, we all know that none of us can escape our mortality. That is why it’s always important to be prepared in case of a loved one’s death. In a

2023-09-05T19:18:19+00:00July 13th, 2016|Newsroom, Wealth Planning|

Who should be the owner of the 529 plan account?

As college costs increase, more and more students are depending on 529 college saving plans, as well as expecting to qualify for federal financial aid. For those students fortunate enough to have family members that are able to help contribute to a plan account, the question often arises as to who should own the

2023-09-05T19:17:53+00:00May 25th, 2016|Newsroom, Wealth Planning|

Keeping Women Informed through WOW

Over the past 20 years, Apriem Advisors has met with hundreds of women to provide financial information and guidance through various events. These are women who came to a meeting with their spouse, women who have lost a spouse due to death or divorce, and women that manage their finances independently.  We noticed that the

2023-09-05T18:30:16+00:00September 14th, 2015|Newsroom, Wealth Planning, WOW|

The Essence of Estate Planning

Since none of us know the exact day and time we will die, time is the essence of a good estate plan. Having a good estate plan requires the self-realization that we will not live forever.   So given this fact, ask yourself "What will happen to all of my stuff, and who is going

2023-09-05T19:14:47+00:00May 11th, 2015|Newsroom, Wealth Planning|
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