Medicare Essentials: Top 5 Takeaways
We had an amazing webinar with the team from HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program), a local non-profit that helps families navigate the complexities of Medicare. While we
Apriem Cares Update, October 2020 – March 2021
Now, more than ever, amid the Covid-19 crisis our communities need our help. Apriem invests in relationships that strengthen and empower our communities at every level. We volunteer our time and invest our
Apriem’s President Nominated for Women of Influence Awards
Our President, Rhonda Ducote, was recently nominated for the Greater Irvine Chamber 2021 Women of Influence Awards. The Women of Influence Awards recognize outstanding women in eight different categories who
New Kids on the Block
We sat down with newest members of our team to ask them how their first year with Apriem has been going. They reflected on the unique situation that Covid-19 created when it came